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The best pizzas

Pizzana Brentwood Los Angeles

© Pizzana

Once upon a time, New Yorkers used to scoff at the pizza scene in Los Angeles. That all changed when Nancy Silverton opened Pizzeria Mozza and began baking some of the finest pizzas in the country. In the years following Mozza’s opening, numerous quality spots have popped up. Some have adopted the ultra-traditionalistic Neapolitan approach, while others have opted to put a more whimsical spin on their pies. Regardless of which side you fall behind, there is a great option for you in this city. Without further ado, here are our five favorite pizza spots in Los Angeles.


You might have to stand in line to get a seat at Pizzana, but it will be well worth it when one of Daniele Uditi’s quasi-Neapolitan pies hits your table. Favorites are the cheesier than average Margherita and the bright Corbarina.

Prime Pizza

If you’ve had a long night out, Prime Pizza is the place you want to head. It’s open until 2am on Fridays and Saturdays and offers arguably the best New York style slices on the West Coast.

Cosa Buona

Cosa Buona is trip down nostalgia lane to the red sauce joints of days gone by. Though the pizzas aren’t completely traditional, a little pineapple and candied bacon never hurt anyone.

Pizzeria Mozza

You can’t talk about pizza in Los Angeles and not mention Nancy Silverton’s Pizzeria Mozza. The signature pie, a combination of a golden crust, vibrant tomatoes, fresh squash blossoms, and luxurious burrata is about as iconic as Rodeo Drive.



This review was written by In The Loup contributor Ash Narayan

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