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Kogi Food truck Los Angeles

I inspired Jon Favreau’s movie Chef, I have 5 food trucks and 147K followers on Twitter … who am I? Roy Choi, who else! It’s impossible to miss Kogi in LA, this KoMex fleet (the first ever to do KoreanMexican fusion) and their spicy pork tacos or kimchi quesadillas. There’s always a 10 to 50 minute line in front of Kogi, but the truck took off by feeding LA nightclub bouncers for them to tell their clients. The secret of these ta-Korean wonders? Minced pe-tsai and whole lot of spicy sauce.


Style: Korean, Mexican

Address and hours: Available on Kogi’s Twitter 


Price: Tacos $2.29, Burritos $6

Reservations: No reservations


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